Equity market seemed to be a bit concerned about the rising COVID numbers. On Monday (12th April 2021), it fell almost 3.5% in a go. Most investors got into panic, due to this sudden fall and raised their fear about the future stability.
However on Tuesday 14th April 2021, it recovered almost 50% of its losses. NIFTY again closed above 14500 and saw a good recovery.

Why market fell on Monday and again recovered on Tuesday ? Is there mixed views about COVID crisis ? Is there anything positive to identify in this high volatile market perceptions ?
Yes, I always believe that wealth is made under confusion. When there is a difference in opinion among different set of investors, then you get your favourite stocks or Funds in good discount. And believe me, actual return comes from numbers not by concerns - concerns are temporary but growth is permanent.
As Honble Prime Minister said in his recent speech about COVID ..." This time its different ! During the COVID crisis of last year we needed Lock Down , to create set up to fight it. But this time we are prepared and is ready with much higher infrastructure to fight it . So there is no need of lock Down"
Such statement gave a big relief to the market; and investors also started realising that we cannot avoid COVID, but we can fight it with a strategy . Moreover, the rising numbers of COVID has equally higher number of recovery also.
Still there are lot of mixed reactions ! Hence we expect the volatility ahead - but advice you to manatin your positions and remain invested- do not hesitate and get into any negative perceptions.
Please stay safe and follow all the required protocol to keep this society safe too.
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